5 Easy steps to be ECO.
Many myths have arisen around ecology – that it is expensive, that it requires a lot of time, that it is difficult to access and that acting alone we do not have a real impact on reality. However, these are only common excuses. The foundation of an ecological attitude is to make conscious choices. It is worth remembering – less is more! Check out how simple it is. Discover 5 simple steps to being eco.
1. Share:
It is not without reason that the trend of sharing economy has recently gained popularity. Sharing means of transport, space, objects or services is a great idea that unites people and brings them together around an important problem – selfish waste. If sharing with others becomes a standard for us, it will be easier for us to demand the same from others. If each of us returned home today and looked through our lockers, it would soon turn out that a large part of their contents would be more useful to us than to others. Too small clothes, unused equipment, watched films or read books would surely quickly find new, happy owners.
2. Safe money:
If we think about the environment through the prism of our wallet, saving will come to us more easily. Where to start? First of all, by reducing power consumption. Pulling plugs out of sockets or disconnecting devices from standby mode on an annual basis can benefit not only our budget, but also the environment. It’s worth using equipment that’s energy efficient. The fact that a device consumes less power does not mean that its power is weaker. We should also save water. In addition to the obvious ways such as turning off the tap when brushing teeth, or being careful when washing and bathing, it is also worth considering drinking water from the tap and the Oligocene wells. Instead of buying small water in bottles for a bicycle or gym – we should buy a bottle. We will be able to fill and empty it without restrictions. Such a bottle will also help us to reduce food wastage. If our fruit or vegetables are no longer the first freshness – we can mix them in a blender with a detachable bottle on a healthy smoothie and take them with us to school or work.
3. Give objects a second life:
Buying second-hand items is not only a way to show respect for the planet, but also an interesting hobby. More and more often you appreciate objects and clothes with a soul, uncommon, which tell a story. Buying used items is not only much cheaper, but also much more ecological. There are plenty of places where people sell or simply give away real gems. These are not only fleas markets and popular second handy, but also Internet forums, Facebook groups, garage sales and even fashionable fairs.
4. Buy consciously:
When shopping, it’s worth paying more attention to reading the labels. Let’s choose products that have been awarded eco-labels. These symbols inform us that, for example, water, soil or air have not been contaminated during production, and that the entire life cycle of the product, from its creation, through use to disposal, is environmentally friendly. If we think about it, everything can be ecological in our lives and at home. Starting with food, clothes, cosmetics and household appliances. Even when buying household appliances, we can choose one that is environmentally friendly.
5. Plant greenery:
It is not without reason that being eco means being “green”. It is, among other things, in concern for the flora, which produces valuable oxygen for us, that we try to change our habits. Planting flowers, trees or gardening is a brick that each of us can contribute to building a better tomorrow together. Plants on our balconies or at home are not only an attractive addition, but also a way to fight pollution. Some species, such as the coil, Palma Areka or Epipremnum Gold, can help in the fight against smog. Although they do not replace a professional air purifier, they can effectively support our efforts.
The metamorphosis of our daily habits does not have to be a painful sacrifice. If we realize that every great change starts with the individual, it may be easier for us to persevere in ecological decisions. By taking the first step, we should be able to see the prospects for better health, wellbeing, relations with others and living in harmony with nature.