From the streets of NEW YORK-STREET ART

Do you like colors? If so, it’s a great coincidence, because today there will be them on the blog a whole lot of them! Do you remember my two hairstyles with graffiti in the background? If not, take a look here and here. Today I will take you on a journey through New York again. This time, however, I will focus solely on street art and the beautiful murals I have managed to photograph! Most of them I captured during my visit to the Bushwick Collective. This place is called the New York Graffiti Mecca. As I told you in my previous entries, painting after the walls is forbidden in New York. However, you can go to prison for a few months. Fortunately, thanks to the initiative of one of the Bushwickers, who persuaded local shopkeepers and residents to allow paintings on their buildings, most of the graffiti in this place is legal.
However, this does not mean that Bushwick is the only place where we can find such beautiful works by artists from all over the world. You can also find similar works on Little Italy or Soho! Below you will find the ones that have attracted my attention the most. Some of them look like a photo and only up close you can see that everything was done with a spray. There is an unwritten rule that a beginner graffiti artist can’t paint the work of a more famous artist. It happens, however, that vandals can destroy paintings at night, scribbling at them!

As you can see, even advertisers find out that graffiti is a great way to promote their products. Brands pay artists to create murals with their products for them.

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